Humble Earth Supported Charities

Humble Earth Firefly™ Donations: Save the Bees
"As go the animals, so goes man."

When creating the Humble Earth Fireflies, we asked ourselves what cause would be good for the donation funds to go to. As we started researching possible causes to support, we came across the urgent troubles with the world wide honey bee die-off.

In 2006 31% of domesticated honey bee hives died off from an unknown cause, and in 2007 another 35% of the remaining hives suffered the same symptoms. The issue is now called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

Honey bees are hugely important to our society because they not only produce honey, but they pollinate approximately 1/3 of the food we eat. Without pollination, flowers die without producing fruit, vegetables, seeds, grains, or nuts.

Without fruit, vegetables, seeds, grains, or nuts, the plants which keep most animals and humans alive would cease to exist.

This honey bee die-off is a hugely important issue. As such, we, at Humble Earth, felt this to be the perfect cause to support as we produce electronic garden bugs for enjoyment, and yet are saddened by the massive dieoffs of all bugs worldwide. By donating to such a major cause we are hoping that the research and solutions that help the honeybees will also end up helping other valuable insect species, like fireflies.

For 2012:

Humble Earth donated over 10% of our per unit profits to:

The Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility at UC Davis.

They are a renowned research facility that does extensive research into discovering ways to maintain and improve the health of bees and pollinators.